Monday, March 5, 2012

Cutting Garden Quilts: Fabulous Fusible Flowers (That Patchwork Place) Review

Cutting Garden Quilts: Fabulous Fusible Flowers (That Patchwork Place)
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I notice that fusible web is being used more and more to make quilts. CUTTING GARDEN QUILTS is no exception. This book makes beautiful flower quilts using fusible web. They are extremely detailed and use thread painting to detail the flowers even further.
Melinda describes her working area and I can only wish I had something similar. A 6' x 4" cutting table is a dream of mine, right down to the 15 drawers to keep things organized and the ability to raise and lower the sewing tables. She also describes what tools/supplies you will need She is very detailed about how to get from a photograph to a quilt with the descriptions of making an outline drawing, enlarging it and choosing colors for the fabric. She includes information on painting with thread to make your quilts pop.
There are five quilts in the book, complete with the outline drawings ready for you to enlarge. Each project has a descriptive paragraph about the quilt subject. Then there is a materials list, assembling instructions, thread detail instructions and how to finish the quilt. A fabric key is also given which shows which color fabric and how much of that fabric is needed.
These are quilts that will take you more than a weekend to complete but will be a beautiful wall hanging when done.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Cutting Garden Quilts: Fabulous Fusible Flowers (That Patchwork Place)

Use a simple paint-by-number process to create these gorgeous floral-appliqué quilts! A quick layer-and-fuse technique, along with step-by-step color placement tips, will have you quilting your own cutting garden in no time. *Five how-to patterns feature a rose, pansies, clematis, coneflowers, and apples; a photo gallery provides even more inspiration *Easy fusible designs feature numbered color charts--they'll help you choose the perfect hues *Learn how to use machine quilting to "paint" with thread, adding extra dimension and detail to each project

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